Best of 2019 Seniors


After getting my new website domain up last month, I had some issues connecting my blog. I haven’t been able to blog since October so I’m sorry this is so late! 

On the bright side, I am doing my first Best of Senior Blog for 2019 senior sessions! I started blogging some senior sessions and then August hit me with a wedding every weekend and 2-4 senior sessions a week! I realized quickly it would be tricky to keep up with blogging every senior session so here we are with a few of the best shots from each senior session!

This year I broke my record with 24 AMAZING high school senior sessions in 3.5 months, with 3 of them being twin sessions! Sessions were located all over the twin cities and most of them involved an amazing Hair and Makeup team!

Hair and Makeup Artists: 

Ashley from Ashley Stecker Beauty 

Lisa from LHN Beauty 

I’m so thankful for all the amazing clients I’ve been able to work with and I hope you enjoy some of my 2019 senior favorites!

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Want to take advantage of my lowest prices of the year? Book a winter mini session! There are limited spots available and they will go quickly! Click the link below for more details and to book your spot! 

2024 mini sessions are open!

2024 mini sessions are open!

Hey there!